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Benz M., Gresky J., Stefanisko D., Alarashi H., Knipper C., Purschwitz C., Bauer J. and Gebel H.G.K.  2019

Burying power: New insights into incipient leadership in the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic from an outstanding burial at Ba‘ja, southern Jordan. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0221171.

Bienert H.-D. and Gebel H.G.K. 2004

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Gebel H.G.K. 1988

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Gebel H.G.K. 1992

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Gebel H.G.K. 2002a

Subsistenzformen, Siedlungsweisen und Prozesse des sozialen Wandels vom akeramischen bis zum keramischen Neolithikum, II: Grundzüge sozialen Wandels im Neolithikum der südlichen Levante. [Dissertation. Freiburg: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität. pdf]

Gebel H.G.K. 2002b

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Gebel H.G.K. 2004

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Gebel H.G.K. 2006

The domestication of vertical space. The southern Jordanian case of steep-slope LPPNB architecture. In: E.B. Banning and M. Chazan (eds.), Domesticating space. Construction, community, and cosmology in the late prehistoric Near East. SENEPSE 12. 65-74. Berlin: ex oriente. [pdf]

Gebel H.G.K. 2009

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Gebel H.G.K. 2010a

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Gebel H.G.K. 2010b

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Gebel H.G.K. 2014a

Territoriality in early Near Eastern sedentism. Neo-Lithics 2/14: 14-44. [pdf]

Gebel H.G.K. 2014b

Non-formal sling balls? Evidence of geofact commodification at LPPNB Ba‘ja, South Jordan. In: B. Finlayson and C. Makarewicz (eds.), Settlement, survey and stone. Essays on Near Eastern Prehistory in honour of Gary Rollefson. Berlin: ex oriente. 235-241. [pdf]

Gebel H.G.K. 2017

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Ba‘ja hidden in the Petra Mountains. Preliminary results of the 1997 investigations. In: H.G.K. Gebel, Z. Kafafi and G. Rollefson (eds.), The prehistory of Jordan, II. Perspectives from 1997. SENEPSE 4. 221-262. Berlin: ex oriente. [pdf]

Gebel H.G.K. and Bienert H.-D. 1997a

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Gebel H.G.K. and Bienert H.-D. 1997b

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Gebel H.G.K. and Hermansen B.D. 1999

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Gebel H.G.K. and Kinzel M. 2007

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Gebel H.G.K., Benz M., Purschwitz C., Kubíková B., Stefanisko D., al-Souliman A.S., Tucker K., Gesky J. and Abuhelaleh B. 2017

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Gebel H.G.K., Benz M., Purschwitz C., Abuhelaleh B., Alarashi H., al-Atrash M.A., Bauer J., Gresky J., Heitkamp B., Miškolciová L., Keßeler A., Kubíková B., Štefanisko D., Strauss M. and Wellbrock K. 2019

Household and death 2: preliminary results of the 12th season (2018) at Late PPNB Ba‘ja, southern Jordan. Neo-Lithics 19, 20-45.  [pdf]

Gebel H.G.K., Benz M., Purschwitz C., Bader M., Dermech S., Graf J., Gresky J., Hájek F., Miškolciová L., al Khasawneh S., Khrisat B., Kubíková B., Renger M., al-Sababha M.H. and al-Shoubaki S. 2020

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Gebel H.G.K., Hermansen B.D. and Kinzel M. 2006

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Purschwitz C. 2013a

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Purschwitz C. 2013b

Early Neolithic flint raw material selection at LPPNB Ba‘ja, southern Levant. Preliminary results from two room fills of Area B-north. In: F. Borrell, J.J. Ibáñez and M. Molist (eds.), Stone tools in transition: From hunter-gatherers to farming societies in the Near East. 147-163. Bellaterra (Barcelona): Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Servei de Publicacions. [pdf]

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