Das Team
Das DFG-Projekt Haushalt und Tod. Inwertsetzungsprozesse und Identitäten in Ba‘ja im späten präkeramischen Neolithikum B (LPPNB) der Südlevante wird in enger Kooperation mit der jordanischen Genehmigungsbehörde Department of Antquities, Amman, an der Freien Universität Berlin durchgeführt. Die unmittelbare wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung und Koordination der Zusammenarbeit mit den Fachwissenschaftlern unterschiedlichster Disziplinen (s. Tabelle) wird von Dr. Hans Georg K. Gebel, Dr. Marion Benz, und Dr. Christoph Purschwitz geleistet.
Das Ba’ja Team 2018 (Foto: Ba’ja Neolithic Project)
Ba'ja Team 2019 (Foto: HGK Gebel)
Project coordination/ responsible persons (alphabetical order)
Name | Affiliation | Working Area | Contact |
Marion Benz |
Institute for Near Eastern Archaeology, Free University Berlin Fabeckstrasse 23-25 14195 Berlin |
Co-director, sepulchral studies and related, general and scientific analyses coordination, PR-management | |
Institute for Near Eastern Archaeology, Free University Berlin Fabeckstrasse 23-25 14195 Berlin |
Project applicant, participation in project synthesis for the historic perspectives, general coordination |
Hans Georg K. Gebel |
Institute for Near Eastern Archaeology, Free University Berlin Fabeckstrasse 23-25 14195 Berlin |
Co-director, commodification/ ethos studies and related, general coordination |
Christoph Purschwitz |
Institute for Near Eastern Archaeology, Free University Berlin Fabeckstrasse 23-25 14195 Berlin |
Co-director, lithic household production and related, general and financial coordination |
Permanent cooperations (alphabetical order)
Name | Affiliation | Working Area | Contact |
Dr. Bellal Abuhelaleh |
College for Tourism and Archaeology , Al Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma`an |
archaeozoology, worked bone |
Dr. Hala Alarashi |
Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain |
ornament industries |
Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Bauer |
International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin |
social neurobiology and other |
Dr. Michal Feldman |
Department of Archaeogentics Max-Planck-Institut für Geoanthropologie Leipzig |
ancient DNA |
Dr. Dipl.-Rest. Andrea Fischer |
Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design |
conservation of jewellery |
Dr. Julia Gresky |
German Archaeological Institute, Natural Sciences, Berlin |
biological anthropology |
Dr. Scott Haddow |
Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies University of Copenhagen |
taphonomic studies |
Dr. Corina Knipper |
CEZ Archaeometry Mannheim |
Sr/O-Isotope analyses |
Barbora Kubíková, M.A. |
Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East (PANE), Masaryk University, Brno |
trench supervisor, database manager |
Dr. rer. biol. hum. Sandra Lösch |
Institute of Forensic Medicine, Anthropology University of Bern |
C/N-isotope analyses |
Lucia Miškolciová, M.A. |
Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East (PANE), Masaryk University, Brno |
early containers (plastic materials), trench supervisor |
Drs. Reinder Neef |
German Archaeological Institute, Natural Sciences, Berlin |
archaeoethnobotany |
Prof. Dr. Dr. Joris Peters |
Institut für Paläoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich |
archaeozoology |
Dr. Nadja Pöllath |
Institut für Paläoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich |
archaeozoology |
Anja Prust M.A. | Institut für Paläoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich |
archaeozoology |
anja.prust@gmail.com |
Dr. Nicole Reifarth | Institut für Restaurierungs- und Konservierungswissenschaft, TH Köln |
micromorphology |
nicole.reifarth@th-koeln.de |
Martin Renger, M.A. |
Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Heidelberg University |
trench supervisor, architectural investigations on socio-political forms of (dis-)order |
Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Schultz |
Centre of Anatomy, Göttingen University |
biological anthropology, palaeopathology |
Dr. Eirini Skourtanioti | Department of Archaeogentics Max-Planck-Institut für Geoanthropologie Leipzig |
ancient DNA | eirini_skourtanioti@eva.mpg.de |
Denis Štefanisko, M.A. |
Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East (PANE), Masaryk University, Brno |
household use wear (lithics), replication studies |
Bellal Abuhelaleh |
Hala Alarashi |
Joachim Bauer |
Andrea Fischer |
Julia Gresky |
Scott Haddow |
Barbora Kubíková |
Sandra Lösch |
Lucia Miškolciová |
Reinder Neef |
Joris Peters |
Nadja Pöllath |
Anja Prust |
Nicole Reifarth |
Martin Renger |
Denis Štefanisko |
Other cooperations, advisors (alphabetical order)
Name | Affiliation | Working Area |
Dr. Hussein Al-Sababha |
Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University |
restoration |
Martin Bader |
National Museum of Zurich |
restoration |
Alice Costes, B.A. |
Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design |
conservation of "Jamila's" necklace |
Melissa Gerlitzki, M.A. |
State Department of Geology, Freiburg | mineralogical analyses |
Prof. Dr. Hani Hayajneh |
Yarmouk University Irbid |
advisor restoration |
Prof. Dr. Juan José Ibáñez |
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Barcelona |
use wear (lithics) |
Prof. Dr. Zeidan Kafafi |
Yarmouk University Irbid |
advisor |
Dr. Susan Klingner |
Centre of Anatomy, Göttingen University |
biological anthropology |
Prof. Dr. Bilal Khrisat |
Queen Rania Institute, Hashemite University, Zarqa |
geoarchaeology, earthquake studies |
Dr. Sahar Khasawneh |
Yarmouk University, Archaeology and Anthropology |
geoarchaeology/ OSL, earthquake studies |
Dr. Moritz Kinzel |
University of Copenhagen |
site conservation/ presentation |
Dr. Manfred Martin |
State Department of Geology, Freiburg |
mineralogical analyses |
Dr. Inna Mateiciucova |
Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East (PANE), Masaryk University, Brno |
advisor |
Dr. Khaleed Moumani |
Natural Resources Authority, Amman |
mineral ressources |
Prof. Dr. Gary Rollefson |
Whitman Colledge, Walla Walla |
advisor |
Dr. Dalibor Všianský |
Department of Geological Sciences, Masaryk University |
mineralogical analyses |
(Photos: H. Alarashi, M. Benz, H.G.K. Gebel, A. Keßeler, C. Purschwitz)